She doesn’t crank out a book every month or two, but when she does release one, you can count on a deeply moving story that will stay with you. All three of her novels have maintained the quality level of writing, editing and publishing that the first book established. I have awaited the next book and the next with heretofore unknown levels of anticipation only to be heartbroken by the disappointment when the follow up books don’t live up to the standards set in the debut. So many times I have loved a book by a new author desperately. It re-acquaints us with Luke Chesser, who we met in her first novel Don’t Let Me Go. I will write a review as soon as I recover. You now how you read a book and it hits you so hard you just have to sit there for awhile? That's how this one was. characters you can't help but root for.'RT Book Reviews (41/2 stars) ' A page-turner.'Instinct Magazine ' The story of Andrew and Robert is one not to be forgotten.Oh my god. Andrew and Robert find solace in each other, daring to risk the consequences of their relationship being discovered.'Publishers Weekly ' Moving. ' The heart of the novel lies in the complicated, nuanced love between student and teacher. Trumble, author of the acclaimedDon't Let Me Go, explores a controversial subject with extraordinary sensitivity and grace, creating a deeply human and honest story of love, longing, and unexpected connection. And as hard as he tries to resist, Andrew knows that he and Robert are edging into territory that holds incalculable risks for both of them. As the year progresses, their relationshipin school and out of itdeepens and changes.

Gradually, Andrew becomes Robert's friend, then his confidante. Robert's math teacher, Andrew McNelin, watches his best student floundering, concerned but wary of crossing the line between professional and personal. But in the world beyond high school, his father is terminally ill, his mother is squabbling with his interfering aunts, his boyfriend is unsupportive, and the career path that's been planned for him feels less appealing by the day.

That's the one place where problems always have a solution. ' gripping tale of love, hate of differences and owning up to who you are.'VOYA Robert Westfall's life is falling aparteverywhere but in math class. A Lambda Literary Award Finalist from the author of Don't Let Me Go.