Preparing for his possible death, he says goodbye to the dreams, meets and names Daniel Hall, and finally Hob Gadling in his dreams.Ĭain is sent by Dream to inform Lucifer of Dream's impending arrival in Hell. He sets about it, wanting to do what is right, but prepared for a confrontation which he knows he may lose. Having left Lucifer Morningstar, lord of Hell, very angry with him the last time he ventured there ( Preludes and Nocturnes) Morpheus is apprehensive about the task. Morpheus leaves his realm to travel to Hell, where he imprisoned his lover, Nada, some 10,000 years previously, His goal is to release her. He eventually cedes to her wisdom in the matter. Death angers him further by agreeing with Desire, but Morpheus' immense respect for Death leads him to seriously consider her assessment as he would not for Desire. Desire angers Morpheus by taunting him about his intolerant treatment of a former lover, whose story formed the prologue to the second collection, The Doll's House. It begins with an Endless family meeting, descending almost immediately into an Endless family argument. The fourth collection belongs with the first as perhaps one of the two collections most focused on Morpheus himself.

Season of Mists consists of The Sandman issues #21-28.